Bonka Circus and Ghent University Museum discover gender spectrum in 10,000 connect-the-dots booklets.

20 pagina’s, 20 vagina’s (20 pages, 20 vaginas) - or not at all? That is the title of the 10,000 surprising connect-the-dots booklets with which The GUM and communication agency Bonka Circus want to open the debate on what exactly is down there. The campaign is part of a broader communication campaign announcing Expo Phallus: Norm & Form, in which the museum casts its look downwards. Because the look down leads to questions up there.

From important paintings to toilet doors. Everyone knows instinctively how to draw a penis, but the gender spectrum is much broader than that. To put this thought, and the temporary exhibition PHALLUS. Norm & Form, after the first wave, Bonka Circus came up with the booklet: 20 pages, 20 vaginas. Or not at all? This connect-the-dots booklet shows that there is more than classic 'dicks' and 'vaginas' (and that vagina is not even always the right word). Besides sharing knowledge, we open the debate in a playful way.

"With the exhibition 'PHALLUS. Norm & Form' we tell you that one form and one norm do not exist. Everyone is different. With the connect the dots booklet, we extend that message," says GUM director, Marjan Doom. "Connect the dots, complete the drawings and ask yourself what your unique place in the spectrum is. Because the look down leads to questions up there. With workshops like 'clay clitorises' we combine the artistic with this beautiful story around sexual diversity."

The 10,000 booklets were distributed among students of Ghent University, secondary school pupils and will also be available in the museum shop as long as stocks last. Just like the exhibition, the booklet challenges, because a look down may well lead to questions up there. Is the penis the master of reproduction? Are sex toys the result of scientific research? Does the phallus make the man, or does it not?

Those who want to get started can download a few drawings from the website .

The exhibition PHALLUS. Norm & Form runs until 8 January 2023. Check for all info and tickets.


  • Client: UGent
  • Client contact: Michaël Mariën, Isabel Paeme, Laurens Beke, Emmelien Werbrouck, Marjan Doom
  • Strategic director: Peter Verbiest
  • Creative director: Jesse Vanophalvens
  • Creatives: Auke Moonen, Alexander Noten
  • Design: Gilles Valkenborg, Chen Vandeput
  • Account manager: Kristof Debacker, Frederik Cuyvers
  • Account executive intern: Kim Anwar, Marthe Muselaers
  • Media: ZIGT
  • Photographer: Michiel Devijver

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